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Fairy Day Clip Art

Fairy: A fairy is a type of mythical being or legendary creature in European folklore. The early modern fairies do not have any single origin, representing a conflation of disparate elements of folk belief, influenced by literature and speculation. One Christian belief held that fairies were a class of demoted angels. Another theory is that the fairies were originally worshiped as minor goddesses, while another belief states that the fairies were demons entirely.

Other popular beliefs through the ages are that fairies are the dead with who left with unfinished lives, or that fairies were a prehistoric race, or that fairies were an intelligent species, distinct from humans and angels. Wikipedia

It seems that no one really knows what a fairy is or was, so pick one of the above meanings or make up your own explanation of what a fairy is.

June 24 is Fairy Day. Download fairy clip art with Fairy Day titles and includes a fairy dressed in pink and a fairy dressed in green. A link back would be greatly appreciated but is not required.

fairyd1.gif - 7.4 K          fairyd2.gif - 8.0 K
© Bobbie Jean Peachey

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