Terms for Clip Art Mountain ContentThe Terms in a Nutshell:
1. The original clip art created by me, photos taken by me, etc. that are located on this site are free to use for personal, non-commercial, religious,or educational purposes.
2. A credit and link back to Clipart Mountain would be greatly appreciated, but is not required for use of my creations. If you have any questions about the use of the clip art, after reading the explanations below, then please email me, explaining how you want to use the clip art and I'll get back with you as quickly as possible.
3a. I have also created and put into the public domain clip art, backgrounds and photographs. You may use the public domain in any way that you choose. I would greatly appreciate a link back to my site when you use the public domain, but it is not a requirement. Linking back to me does NOT change the public domain status of these images in any way.
3b. Any clip art, backgrounds, or photographs on any Clipart Mountain page with an address that starts as clipartmountain.com and has the Public Domain statement placing that page of clip art into the Public Domain may be taken and used in any way you choose.
3c. You will find some clip art near the top of the page with Public Domain in small letters. This is public domain clip art that I have found, resized, recolored and changed as needed and then used to illustrate my pages. You will need to track down the public domain images and download the original images for your own use.
The contents of this site may not be sold, placed in collections of clip art, published or duplicated in either written or electronic form. You may not change, recolor, resize, animate, or change the images in any manner. You may not create tubes, other clip art forms, greeting cards, etc., without written permission from Clipart Mountain. The exception to this rule is to add your own customized text to blank navigation buttons. If you have any doubt about the usage of the clip art, please email me and I'll get back to you as quickly as possible.
If these original images, clip art, photos or images are used on personal, non-commercial, religious and educational Web Pages a link back is NOT required. If you use any image from these collections on your personal, non-commercial, or educational Web Pages a link back (on the same Page the image or images are used) to this site would be greatly appreciated.
You may not place any clip art, image, or background from Clipart Mountain in any collection of images, either on the Web, electronic, written, or in any other form, without permission from me.
Do not link directly to the clip art. Download the clip art, photo, photo object, etc. to your computer, then upload your Web Page and the clip art to your own server.
If you are a commercial site (any site that advertises or sell in order to make money or gain of any kind, or to use the clip art or images in any way outside of my terms of usage, such as a newsletter, print, etc., please email me with the following information.
The name of each specific clip art or image and the Page address the clip art or image is located on. Include your name, business name, email, telephone number and fax (if any). I will also need a complete account of where and how the clip art or images will be used, use as newsletters, publications, projects or Web sites, etc.
I will then review your request and let you know if you may use the images and the specific terms attached to this usage, such as a small usage fee, etc.
I normally charge a $25.00 free for use of one or two images for the life of your company, Web site or project. This gives you the right to place the images on items to sell, put the image on business documents, cards, etc. You may not sell the images or give the images to any other person or business. I do retain all rights to the image and may change the image or sell the image as I choose.
If these terms are unclear, or if you have any questions, please email me. A text link back is acceptable, if you choose to link back, or one of the following buttons may be used as to link back.
The Public Domain clip art is clearly marked on each page and you may download and use it for all purposes. There are no terms of usage with Public Domain clip art.
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ABKL Designs
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At Our HouseClip Art
Of EverythingMissing
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Clipart Mountain
Contact: Bobbie Jean PeacheyEverything You Ever Wanted in Clip Art!
The complete list of clip art on the combined sites of two cousins (Clipart Mountain and ABKL Designs) that includes all the clip art: animals, people, houses and buildings, cactus, computers, cultural clip art, food graphics, hobby images, dance, military, music, religious clip art, sports images, holiday clip art, medical clip art links, photos, education, school, books, doctors, trains, seasons, nurses, garden, flowers, fantasy, awards, pride ribbons and everything else you might want in clip art.
© Bobbie Jean Peachey
1995 - 2016. All rights reserved.