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Compulsive Hoarding Disorder

Wikipedia provides one definition of compulsive hoarding as "the excessive acquisition of possessions and the failure to use or get rid of them", and goes on to state that at its most severe form could "cause fires, unclean conditions, injuries from tripping on clutter and other health and safety hazards". Wikipedia

hoard.jpg - 47.6 K
Public Domain

Hoarding can affect anyone and usually starts around 11 to 15. The disease could be family related or develop after experiencing a stressful life event. Because little is understood about what causes hoarding disorder, there's no known way to prevent it. Talk therapy (psychotherapy) and medication are the two types of treatment used for the hoarding disease.

Hoarding Resources

Hoarding: The Basics
The symptoms, causes, treatments, expert advice, lifestyle tips, misdiagnosis and other resources and information.
Harmless Pack Rat or Compulsive Hoarder?
Three questions to help you decide if you've crossed the line into hoarding, and how treatment can help you de-clutter.
Animal Hoarding Symptoms
The symptoms, causes, treatments, expert advice, lifestyle tips, misdiagnosis and other resources and information.
Detailed Discussion of Animal Hoarding
This article provides a basic overview of animal hoarding, its psychological underpinnings, and existing laws that are used to combat animal hoarding.
Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic lists the symptoms for the compulsive hoarding of possessions and the hoarding of animals, plus has resources for the causes, risk factors, treatments and drugs, prevention, and other hoarding information.
"Many psychologists believe that hoarding is a subtype of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), while others argue that it may be a variant of attention deficit disorder (ADD)"

More About Hoarding

Digital Hoarding
The excessive acquisition and reluctance to delete electronic material no longer valuable to the user.
Food Hoarding
Children who hoard food.
Different Types of Hoarding Behaviors
Hoarding can manifest itself in different ways and various types of hoarding behaviors exist.
13 Surprising Facts About Hoarding
A 2013 study in the British Journal of Psychiatry estimates that hoarding affects a minimum of 1.5% of the population, which equals 4.5 million Americans.
10 Signs You Are A Clothes Hoarder
A 2013 study in the British Journal of Psychiatry estimates that hoarding affects a minimum of 1.5% of the population, which equals 4.5 million Americans.

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