Horses Clip Art LinksHorses: The Przewalski's horse is the only truly wild horse whose ancestors were never domesticated. Ironically, this stocky, sturdy animal exists today only in captivity. The last wild Przewalski's horse was seen in Mongolia in 1968. National Geographic
Horse clip art of horse heads, galloping horse, jumping and leaping horses, prancing horses, foals, mares, stallions, horses and riders, horse animations, and other horse images.
* Public Domain
24K Gold images: Horses
Beautiful gold horse clip art of rocking horses, racing horses, jumping, horses, bucking horses, and more.
Classroom Clipart
Find a polo horses and riders, a race horse and rider, standing horses, a galloping horse, a horse head, and other horse images.
Horse Clipart
Find silhouettes of horses, carousel horses in various colors, a rocking horse silhouette, and a purple and green rocking horse.
Internet Clipart: Horses
View photo objects, photos and clipart of horses.
Webweaver's Horse Clip Art
A tiny running horse, a Civil War horse and rider, a Victorian couple in a carriage, a horse trainer and more.To the Animal Index
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The complete list of clip art on the combined sites of two cousins (Clipart Mountain and ABKL Designs) that includes all the clip art: animals, people, houses and buildings, cactus, computers, cultural clip art, food graphics, hobby images, dance, military, music, religious clip art, sports images, holiday clip art, medical clip art links, photos, education, school, books, doctors, trains, seasons, nurses, garden, flowers, fantasy, awards, pride ribbons and everything else you might want in clip art.* The original image (horse) from or another Public Domain site has been changed, redrawn, resized, recolored, format changed, and otherwise manipulated, then used on the Clipart Mountain site as wanted or needed.
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